Drama Llama Part Deux

I got called a 'weeaboo' for the first time this week, and I didn't even know what it was.


So. I got trolled while TPing into a Japanese store, on Saturday. For the record, the persons who griefed me were not Japanese nor affiliated with the store I TP'd in. They were just there at the time, for some reason. My first time being griefed in SL. How wonderful! I've been here since 2006, and I guess I'm lucky, because it's never happened to me.... until now. And yes, it's ironic people accusing me of being a weeaboo were hanging around inside a Japanese store-- one clad in a yukata/kimono, to boot. But hey, greifing happens, right? Chalk it up to chance. Chalk it up to trolls being trolls. Chalk it up to me being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Assholes are just assholes, right? Wrong.

The thing is this, they made it clear that they had been discussing me PRIOR to me TPing into the store. The lovely 'gentleman' made it abundantly clear that he had used my profile contents as a source of frenzied hilarity between themselves already. Oh dear. Your lives must be riveting. "I was just pasting this Dunneh's profile before," he says, surprised to see me in the pixelated flesh-- and proceeds to do it again, for my benefit, (because I of course don't know what my own profile says.) Except with a lot of, 'weeaboo, weeaboo', thrown in the mix, some gesture-tarding for good measure by the woman, and some cracks about my age, implying I was under age, and that my chatspeak in my profile attested to that. Yes. Of course. Because the first thing a 10 year old on Second Life is going to do is write, 'OH HAI DERE' in their profile, and that gesture-tarding and taunting indicates real maturity.

I tried not to let it get to me, because, I mean, it's random, right? Just some random guy being a jerk because of his small pecker. Well, no. Not really. Looks like the main antagonist, (who seems to love doing this to people) is affiliated with certain store owner-- a place I had just purchased goods from earlier. That was the missing piece. I couldn't figure out why he had looked me up, or where. It wasn't through my blog, (they seem surprised I had one) and I didn't see any ties to him on flickr.

Then, ding, it clicked into place when I saw them both in the same group, and one of the picks of the other girl leads to the same place. Looks like he got my profile from her. Oh noes. I think he's her... boyfriend! That's him! Holy crap. He makes a good job of trying to hide his tracks in SL (like I said, looks like trolling people randomly isn't new to him, from his profile), but he got sloppy.

I bought from that place. I bought a LOT from that place. She might have not been there, participating in the trolling of Duns, (as far as I know, I mean she could been there with an alt on) but knowing he got my profile from her felt like a slap in the face. Knowing they know each other is a slap in the face. I wish I had never gone there. I wish I had never bought from her. To take my money and secretly snicker behind my back about how she thinks I'm a lame weeaboo, with a lame fashion blog, without even knowing me. Ouch. I wonder how many customers she does this to? I'm apparently not good enough for her and her friends, but my money is. Not anymore.

Don't be so busy acting superior to everyone. You might miss out on meeting some great people. You display your own insecurities. And you'll never rise above your own mediocrity.