It takes a lot out of me...

I absolutely positively love blogging for NAF, don't get me wrong. I love it. But it is incredibly draining.

It takes a lot out of me; and I find it a little disturbing, because to be a great blogger, as opposed to just a good one, I find myself needing to eat, breathe and sleep SL. That's the disturbing part. How much more time I need to spend there in order to blog regularly. While I love it, I wonder if it's worth it? It's very difficult, and incredibly demanding-- and it's doing things to me. After I did the rounds of the SL Clothing Fair last night, I dreamed about it all frickin' night.

I actually visited all the islands in order, walking to each vendor and checking out their RFL kiosk items. Aaaand, that was my dream. Visiting each island in order. D= Like I hadn't left. *facepalm* I wish I could have dreamed up something interesting at least. Like a virtual bishie sweeping me off my feet. Woo.

I'm all done with the SL Clothing Fair, though, thankfully-- I really did check out every single store and kiosk, (sadly), and I bought the items I like and kept note of the ones I'm undecided about. In fact, I would have had a post ready, but I got woken up and called in to work and have been there from 11am to 8pm. And that bothers me, because it took time away from my blogging! xD

Hell, I find myself worrying about the fact I haven't got something prepped-- but then I think, as Monkey Magic would say: "... Whatever you do it ends up raining. What's it all for? What's the point of it all? And if it hasn't got a point, what's the point of that?"

I don't think dreaming of SL is healthy. Yet here I am blogging about it at 2am. It's sure is fun though. I do realize I need to take a step back and think quality not quantity, and if it stops being fun, I'm going to stop.

Well anyways, sleepytimes for ole Dunneh.

Love yous! Kisses! MWAH! <3

Charging to Join.

I'm seeing this a lot lately, once free groups now charging enrollment fees. I don't really mind this at all, but it did get me thinking about it in general.

I'm kind of in two minds about it. On the one hand, I completely understand why designers do it. It's a kick in the butt to feel used by a hundred people consecutively joining your group to nab a freebie and then dump you like used condom. It's awful, I know. They treat it like gaining the freebie is a right and they haven't even got the common decency to say thank you. So I don't blame you for charging to weed out the undesirables. And to keep 'only the true fans' in the group.

I think that designers have the wrong idea about some of the freebie grabbers. I agree that most of them loot and scoot, and I know it's frustrating. However, you're not considering those who simply didn't like your product, or who fall outside your demographic, who may not be able to afford anything in your store, or who have every intention of buying from you, but are already subscribed to 24 groups that they adore. You are not considering that a freebie is a demo of sorts, and that some people may not like it, or people will buy from you even if they are not in your group. A lot of designers seem to view a group list as 'groups this person buys from exclusively'. I can assure you this is not the case. You think every one who leaves has inevitably used you. You get angry and you say; 'I'm sick of this! In a week I'm going to start charging!' So, they desperately look at their group list and think; 'what can I live without?' and drop a free-to-join group, and join yours instead. Is this the right ideal to create? I don't think it is. In a way, by charging, you're saying 'my group is more worth it than the free groups, so don't leave it'.

The ideal is that 'only true fans' would bother to pay the fee, and it's not always like that. Sometimes, they know a pay group will offer more freebies than a free group-- which can often mean that I am less likely to spend money in their store; not more. Sometimes, consumers expect even more than a free to join group. "Where's the gifts! I paid to join this and missed out due to SL's 2-week limit! Can I get them retroactively? But I paid to join!!" etc.

I actually have a couple of alts that I use to join groups I adore but I can't subscribe to, because I haven't enough slots. Why can't I? Because a few of my groups are pay groups and in a way I feel trapped. Maybe their last three gifts didn't suit me, and I didn't even keep them, but now I feel I can't leave because I paid to join. Not only that, what if I leave and they release something I adore? Then I have to pay to re-join. (Maybe that's a cheapskate attitude, but people do think that way =X).

... designers, that's not the attitude of a true fan. But that's exactly the kind of attitude that group enrollment fees attract... sadly. I don't think that was the purpose of charging... even if you do weed out the undesirables at the same time, it's kind of throwing the baby out with the bath water, too.

And honestly? Out of all my groups, the ones I absolutely adore... and have bought from, are all free to join. In a way, I view them as true heroes of Second Life because they ask nothing in return and stick to their guns of not charging even though they get the freebie hoppers using them too. I have bought from these stores and know I will continue to buy from them. I continue to think they are awesome, not only because they often offer freebies, but because they don't act like their store is the end all and be all of Second Life. I can leave their group and re-join to nab a freebie without feeling guilty because I know I have shopped and will continue shop at their store in future. <3

Having said all that though, I haven't got a solution to the problem, and I completely 100% understand that most consumers aren't like me; that probably the majority never spend money. Ever. And that plain sucks because you are worth more than that, and don't deserve to be used. I don't blame you for charging at all. And I have paid to join stores I love, and I have no real problem with that. I just don't think it's an ideal solution, and I don't think it promotes 'true fans' only to join your group.

But if you're thinking of charging in future, I hope you consider my suggestions:

1. The best groups, in my opinion, are the combined groups. If you have friends, you have a store within an active shopping sim community, consider a group for the entire sim. This means that the one slot gives access to more than one store. iTUTU, Copain, Magic of Oz, Starlust, they are all great group ideas. This is the 'many birds with one stone' approach and is a little less cut-throat than the alternative. It's a good idea because a) consumers are happy that a lot of their favourite stores are covered in the one slot and b) as a designer you gain the fans of another store in addition to yours. People might join because they like 'x' store, and then see your store and buy from you. We're all friends here. There is enough room for all of us. And it's a nice hippy comune way to do it. x3

2. If you want to charge, please announce it instead of just doing it. This gives people a chance to join before the fee is put up, many of whom are true fans and who have bought from you in the past but who may have joined another group to check out their freebie instead. I know this has happened to me.

3. I personally think $250 is asking a lot. Not when there are groups out there doing it for nothing. It's your prerogative though, and I do realize that in gifts alone the price is made up, but still. It 'chains' people even more in a way when they feel they stand more to lose. Charging less is an idea. It means you get more wishy-washy joiners, but you also get more money (in theory) as they jump in and out of your group... and hopefully that takes the edge off the freebie hopping a bit. xD

Personally, I prefer the 'group is closed during freebie periods' approach, a bit like Silent Sparrow does it. Soon enough, if you make your group worth it, people will stay of their own volition. However, if your product is good enough, you will gain fans regardless of whether you charge or not.

Another good idea is this. You have an open group. You offer a freebie. During the freebie, you charge. Maybe not the entire price of the freebie, but say half price or 1/4 price. 10L, 20L, 50L etc. When the two weeks are up, you drop the enrollment fee. This means that people desperate to get the bargain still can, albeit they have to pay. Or they can wait and miss out-- and re-join when the fee is dropped, thereby qualifying for the next freebie. I have never seen this implemented, and I personally think it's a great idea. x3 But I am biased.

Long story short, group fees make people stay in your group. But often, for the wrong reasons... Needless to say, Second Life needs to do something about the group cap. Would if I could join all the groups I want to join. I really wish I could. I love SO many stores to bits and it pains me to leave any one of your groups. You're all awesome. <3

So I Can't Sleep...

And it's 4am; not a really great combination, I know. I had my little 'friend' come visit me on Monday, and he's still sticking around. Too much info? Oh well, try to forget I said that, then.

Anyway, I took a painkiller for the cramps but I feel the sniffles coming on and my body is a bit blah lately. I really need to sleep. Heck, I want to sleep even. I just feel restless...I don't know what it is, really.

Partly, I get insomnia because I hate to sleep; I feel it's a waste of time and that there aren't enough hours in the day... and partly, I always felt like sleeping brought me closer to morning. When I was in High School, this was a very bad thing, and so I dreaded the mornings, and I dreaded going to sleep. Even though I have no such stress nowadays, old habits die hard.YAWN.

So I popped out IE7 on the weekend and tested out NAFblog-- and it's broken. Turns out that that template is incompatible with IE7. (I tested IE6 though, and it works fine! Weird!) Not only that, Raven told me she stumbled across some other freebie blog that uses the same template, and they're a few months younger than us. Darn. Anyway, I got it into my head that I need a new template and I've been looking for DAYS trying to find one that I feel suits. I'll miss the butterfly template, but I'll find some way to incorporate it. The perfectionist in me won't let me keep the broken one though, and I haven't got the time or patience to fix the alignment for the existing one.

So I've been getting the new template up to speed, and it's taking FOREVER Much longer than it should, partly because I'm slow, and partly because I'm lazy. The thing is that I feel bad going so long between blog updates but I can't seem to do that AND get something ready to post... gah. I'm going to try to post tomorrow, if I feel alright.

*Yawns like crazy* Okay, I'll try again.... only thing is that my cramps are coming back. Oh! You know what's I heard helps these kind of cramps?

.... an orgasm. *cough* So I hear, anyway. Not that I've tested that theory or anything. >_> Tee hee.

This is my...

This is my personal blog, as it relates to Second Life, which is a hobby of mine. I called it Narcissism is my Forte, not for any particular reason; I couldn't think of anything better... but as I sat there contemplating a title, that sprung to mind. It's rather fitting-- anybody that is familiar with me knows that I've got a couple of blogs; at least three different hobby ones, and one or two personal ones, etc. Each blog has it's own community surrounding it.... There is something weird about me that bades me create different blogs pertaining to different hobbies, instead of mashing all my interests together. Partly this is because my hobbies don't really cross over that much-- oh, they do a little, but each is particularly immersive. Anime, Dolls, Gaming, etc. Because of the various ways I'm essentially just talking about myself over two or three different networks, NIMF just seemed a fitting title.

Secondly, anyone who is familiar with Seconod Life knows that that's pretty much the entire raison d'etre for most people in that game. I'm decidedly no different, really.

So as I said, my personal blog relating to second life. My thoughts, my feelings, my rants, my raves, and mostly my testing ground for my layouts for NAFblog. x3