This is my...

This is my personal blog, as it relates to Second Life, which is a hobby of mine. I called it Narcissism is my Forte, not for any particular reason; I couldn't think of anything better... but as I sat there contemplating a title, that sprung to mind. It's rather fitting-- anybody that is familiar with me knows that I've got a couple of blogs; at least three different hobby ones, and one or two personal ones, etc. Each blog has it's own community surrounding it.... There is something weird about me that bades me create different blogs pertaining to different hobbies, instead of mashing all my interests together. Partly this is because my hobbies don't really cross over that much-- oh, they do a little, but each is particularly immersive. Anime, Dolls, Gaming, etc. Because of the various ways I'm essentially just talking about myself over two or three different networks, NIMF just seemed a fitting title.

Secondly, anyone who is familiar with Seconod Life knows that that's pretty much the entire raison d'etre for most people in that game. I'm decidedly no different, really.

So as I said, my personal blog relating to second life. My thoughts, my feelings, my rants, my raves, and mostly my testing ground for my layouts for NAFblog. x3


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